Thursday, February 7, 2013

On Today

Lord, too often I am seeing
That I miss what I am being
In lieu of affections somewhere else.

I labor on toward a prize
Not designed to avert my eyes
From the grit of living right before me.

You called me in life to live
In dynamic relation give
Sacrificial love to those in my reach.

Though heaven in due time will call
And earthiness from me will fall
Today's the place needing my attention.

Fill me with Your spirits power
For demands of this very hour.
That I might be Your hands and feet here.
February 7, 2013 - For the second time this week, I am sitting in an emergency room chair shifting uncomfortably, trying without success to drift into an elusive sleep.

The times I have been here--or a place like it--over the past several years have been too many to count. The experiences generally blend into a single element of a much larger picture.

It's occurring to me again that while I sit here in this chair best suited for Papa Bear, my dear wife Mineke is--again--experiencing physical health issues and is getting much needed treatment, care, and now rest after days of throwing up and dehydration.

How easy it is for me to focus on my comfort level of the moment and then forget this. How easy it is to have my mind consumed by the events of the day, the schedule of tomorrow, the financial concerns; you know I could go on.

Jesus zeroed in on this as an issue of walking in faith, trusting Him in all situations. Allowing yourself to be fully on what circumstance He has called you to; and what precious people He has called you to share life with. In Matthew 6:34, our Lord puts it this way: "Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble." I want to be all there on today.

Father, please forgive me for being self absorbed and failing to put my all into attending to the needs of Mineke, my wife, my fellow heir in Your calling of life.

She is resting, her eyes are gently closing; we have a few minutes before the doctor returns with instructions. Up on the wall, the hands on the face just moved into the new day; now I'm thinking through capturing these thoughts.

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